I've had a mixed relationship with diving. I had a good time when I did the "Experience Diving" thing in Maui and got motivated to get my Open Water certification. But then I start to look at the time, effort, and money weighed against the awesome experiences I've had while snorkeling and decided to drop it. Then I'm back somewhere people are diving and I decide to start thinking about it again. I really didn't think anywhere in the Med was going to kick that cycle off again.
But this morning we met up with
Brad, Josh, Gonzo from
Ondine to dive/snorkle to marine sanctuaries located in Majorcia. They are a small dive/adventure that focuses on high quality experiences rather than high turn over. Brad started the shop after moving to Majorca from Austraila with his wife. He and his team were really fantastic. Their enthusiasm of diving, conservation and customer experience really show through. If you're looking for an off the beaten path experience I'd highly recommend them. His team's guidance gave me the first exciting snorkeling I've ever had in the Med.
Since we were going to do both a morning and afternoon outing Julie and I decided to take turns with Conor. Julie volunteered for the morning shift, but due to the diving conditions they decided to just dive in the morning, leaving the snorkeling team (me and Andrea) on the dive boat.
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Paul, Gonzo & Ryan with M/Y Harmony |
Better than smoke rings |
Michael and Tom |
Conor on his version of a dive |