18 July 2013

Spain - Day 6 - Rock Climbing

Leaving Andratx first thing in the morning we headed around the western most tip of the island and towards a bay with a really neat rock formation.

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Someone mentioned you could could hike to the top and that's all the incentive I needed.

Marie and Conor had the most sense and decided to stay behind on Harmony.

Conor and Olivia watching us hike
With chef Anita 

The greater fools headed off in the tender.  The hike turned into a climb almost from the start.  The path wasn't immediately clear but a bit of the way up we started to find these red dots.  If you give it a try, look for the red dots.

About half way up things got really interesting.  Narrow ledges, tough handholds, small footholds and a steep grade.  There is one point about half way up that's really tough.  I should have realized if it was at my limit going up, it would be beyond my limit coming down but that's not something I'd figure out for another half hour.

At this point the smart ones spotted this sign for an open air restaurant with a great view of the cliff and bay.  If this was a movie this would be the part where it goes split screen and Tom and I claw our way up the cliff while the others enjoy sangria and an incredible view.

Open air, wood fired kitchen

After the initial assent things got pretty easy, really just a hike over some big boulders.

We stopped on the bolder just before the edge as it was higher than the point.  There does seem to be a
stone structure of some sort at the tip, so maybe we should have gone there.

View from the summit into the bay
Harmony from the top

And now we started down.

This was the really nasty transition
Reunited with our better half's
Water was amazing