20 July 2013

Spain - Day 8 - Palma

In hind sight I wish I'd gotten more time to poke around the town of Palma.  The first order of the day was to find a spot for lunch.  In a funny twist the hotel pointed us to the same place the boat had earlier in the week, but we didn't realize it until we were there.  So we did the tried and true "try the place next door".  La Cueva was awesome. and had a magical sangria.  It went directly to the center of my brain.

Post sangria

Apparently I like to take pictures of ham when I drink sangria

After lunch the plan was to visit the cathederal in town, but it is apparently only open a few hours a day for visitors.  If you want to go, check before you leave.

So Andrea and I decided to do the logical thing and get tattoos (henna of course).  We picked designs for each other.

Finished ink