19 July 2013

Spain - Day 7 - Puerto Soller to Soller

There is an electric train dating from 1911 that runs from Soller to Palma which we'd originally wanted to do, but the round trip was 2+ hours and no one really wanted to dedicate that much time to it on a scorching hot day.  Instead we opted to take the electric tram that runs (since 1913) from the port (Puertu Soller) to the town proper (Soller).

Leaving for the train, Reservoir Dogs style
 We boarded the tram at the station in Puerto Soller and started to the 30 minute journey.  The train made a few stops on the way for people to hop on and off.  We rode many orange and lemon groves, every house seemed to have one.

Our tram was originally from Lisbon and regauged to run on this railway

Conor invented his own air con

View on the way up