04 August 2014

Oslo to Myrdal

Bright and early we hopped the train from Oslo to Myrdal.  Norwegian trains are pretty good, but they seem to move very slowly.  The train went from Oslo to Gol, through Finse before reaching Mrydal which is where we got off to meet the Flam railway.  The first half was senic but not amazing, mostly farms and lakes.  Then we started climbing through the mountains and the views became amazing.

Conor has really taken a liking to cured salmon.  He prefers the more cured (hot smoked) to cold smoked.  I guess trying to name it in his vocabulary he came up with "fish bacon".  He'd ask for fish bacon almost everywhere we went.  Here is is enjoying a fish bacon breakfast sandwich.

Playing the puzzle game
For our "stop" in Finse they weren't messing around.  There didn't seem to be any indication the train was going to leave except for the closing doors.  Just make it back on the train.  Maybe a 3 minute stop.

After what seemed like an eternity we pulled in Myrdal.  The timing couldn't have been better.  We watched these clouds form, roll up the valley and start to rain in the matter of about 15 minutes.